Gideon Lyons is co-owner of Regent Capital and has a background in the financial, media and retail sectors – as an active business owner, entrepreneur and private investor. He has a successful and proven track record in structuring sound business opportunities for the Regent Capital client base across each of our business sectors.

Anna Josse is co-owner of Regent Capital and has expertise in building operations, relationship management and is highly qualified in the charitable sector, having founded Prism the Gift Fund with the mission of increasing the flow of funds into the charitable sector.

Virginia Beckett is CEO at Regent Capital, where she is responsible for seeking out new commercial property and renewable and smart energy investment and project development opportunities UK-wide. Her role involves sourcing funding streams for property investments as well as asset managing Regent Capital’s extensive UK-wide portfolio of property investments.
Previously at CBRE, Virginia was responsible for funding property projects with specialism in tax-driven regeneration initiatives, and has wide-ranging experience across all commercial property sectors. Virginia divides her time between London and NRP’s Scottish office.
Virginia is a qualified Chartered Surveyor and Fellow of the RICS. She is a Lay Member of Court at University of Strathclyde.
Virginia is also a Director with NRP
Contact: virginia.beckett@regentcap.co.uk

Head of Investor Relations
Caroline is Head of Investor Relations. She is the point of contact for investors and is, responsible for keeping clients updated on their investments and answering any queries. She previously worked as a solicitor in Scotland, where she was involved in a variety of court work, including property and construction disputes.
Contact: caroline.robertson@regentcap.co.uk
Regent Capital has formed a partnership with local energy specialists New Resource Partners

Director – New Resource Partners
Nick Gibbins, Co-founder of NRP has worked in government and the private sector since 2000. Prior to co-founding NRP in 2012, Nick was part of Jones Lang LaSalle’s European sustainability consultancy, leading projects advising global investors on energy efficiency and renewable energy. He has held various positions in UK government involving the development and implementation of environmental policy, embedding sustainability into the lending strategies of EU public banks, and advising on the incorporationof renewable energy into urban master plans. Nick has an MSc in International Relations and Development from the University of London.

Director – New Resource Partners
Hugo Chandler, Director, Co-founder of NRP started in clean energy in 1999 at the Centre for Alternative Technology in Machynlleth, Wales. After completing an MSc in environmental energy technologies from Imperial College, Hugo worked at the European Wind Energy Association in Brussels, where he set up the European Technology Platform for Wind Energy. He then moved to the International Energy Agency in Paris in 2006, where he started a new programme on the grid integration of variable renewables, co-authoringthe agency’s first book on the subject in 2009. Hugo co-founded New Resource Partners in 2012, where he is the technical lead for software design and energy strategy development. His particular goal is to develop robust means of like-for-like comparison of technologies and business models across different types of building stock–from office blocks to cathedrals to car parks