Real Estate + Energy
The transition to Net Zero and the disruption in energy markets is opening up new revenue streams in energy and property. To capitalise on the opportunity this presents for our investors, Regent Capital has formed a joint venture with New Resource Partners (NRP). NRP specialise in the energy transition including renewables, smart energy infrastructure (SEI), and local energy.
NRPis working alongside Regent Capital to help governments and investors to create investable projects, optimise investments for new revenues, reduced costs, and net zero carbon, in the UK and overseas.
At the core of NRP expertise lie proprietary local and national energy system and revenue modelling tools, to assist in assessing investable projects. NRP works with investors, governments and large energy users in the UK and overseas.
Liverpool Multivector Energy Exchange – UKRI Funded Innovation Project

New Resource Partners, in collaboration with Regent Capital, is leading a consortium of technology developers, property investors, universities and grid operators in the design and demonstration of a Local Energy Exchange for Liverpool (LEX). LEX will provide the opportunity for local energy asset owners to trade energy services among themselves and with grid operators, reducing their cost of energy, creating new revenues, and stimulating further investment in local energy assets.
The LMEX project has secured a second round of funding to explore opportunities for LEXs in Scotland and England.
The project is funded by a consortium, which includes New Resource Partners and Regent Capital, as well as by the UK Research and Innovation’s (UKRI) ISCF Prospering from the Energy Revolution challenge.
Working with Partners